about our pastor....

Jonathan Brown

Hello, my name is Jonathan Brown, and this is my precious wife of almost 24 years (March 18th) Amanda. We have four children and have lived here in the Farmington area since January of 2023.

I was an 8 yr. old boy riding a church bus in Ottumwa, IA when the Lord Jesus saved my soul. I am ashamed of what happened after this, but I soon found myself out of church and out of fellowship with my Saviour... And like the prodigal I found myself in a famine.

It was during this time that I met my future wife, but because of our lifestyle and our poor choices we were miserable in every way imaginable. I am very thankful that although my wife was lost, she had still been raised up with a good spiritual compass and insisted on us getting married in a church. It was through this search that the Lord began to bring Holy Ghost conviction to my heart.

I am so thankful for His mercy... I really don't understand, nor could I explain to you why He brought us to A Bible preaching church that cared about souls and loved people, but I am so grateful that He did. It was there that my wife heard the Gospel and received Christ... It was there that I came as a backslidden prodigal home to the Fathers loving arms. And it was there that the Lord begin to do what only He could do in our hearts.

In Sept. of the year 2000, the Lord called me out to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ and soon after doors of service began to open within the Local Church we were grounded and planted in. In July of 2019 we stepped out by faith believing it was the Lords will to go to a little country church that needed a preacher. And I can't begin to tell you all the wonderful things we learned there.. But God began pricking my heart around Thanksgiving of 2022 and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that we were going to have to say goodbye to our beloved people and that beautiful little country church. We had NO IDEA where or what God was doing, but we KNEW it was time to go.. We rented a 20yd dumpster and began throwing things away and packing everything else in boxes and putting them up in the attic as we prepared to sell the house that we had spent the last nine years raising our four kids in. It was during this season of prayer and fasting that the Lord clearly directed our hearts to a city we had never heard of before called Farmington, MO. At the same time, the precious people of Blessed Hope were desperate in prayer seeking Gods face and asking Him to do a work in them and through them as they sought Gods will for their next pastor. And it was at this time that God used a mutual beloved friend to bring both of us together.

The last Sunday of Jan. 2023 was the first Sunday of a new chapter in our lives as we began a new life here in the beautiful city of Farmington. We absolutely love it here and are so excited to see what God will do .

Thank so much for taking the time out to read an abbreviated version of my testimony, We would love to hear yours! The most important statement in life is that you HAVE ONE! If there's never been a time where you've been born again (Jhn.3:3), we would love to share "the Greatest Story Ever Told" with you! Email us or call us with any questions you may have, we would love to hear from you.

Contact us! (573) 366-6966 ~ 1710 Doubet Rd. Farmington, MO ~ jgbkjv2000@gmail.com

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