our story

How it all started...

It was in the basement of a house on a street that looked just like this where our church was born. A houseful of people gathered around the Word of God and a young preacher that had a fervent desire for the things of God poured out to those hungry hearts.... Soon a storefront was rented, and then another location, until the Lord began to burden this body of believers about a property on the south end of town that almost seemed impossible to reach. They began to pray and seek Gods face for His blessing.. and through an absolute miracle, the property on Doubet Rd was acquired.. They began meeting first in one of the larger outbuildings on the property as they prayed that God would meet the needs. and in 2007 the construction on the current building began...

Expanding the vision...

Blessed Hope is committed to sharing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus and the lifechanging victorious life that He brings to every soul that we come in contact with. Whether it is through the county jail or through the county courthouse, from the bottom to the top, every soul deserves to hear and have an opportunity to experience Gods matchless Grace. And our vision is that our city would know that there is a church that cares... We are not numbers driven, we are not marketers, we are not interested in our church being the biggest or greatest... We are deeply interested in helping people- and we know that help ONLY comes from the Lovely Lord Jesus. We believe EVERY marriage needs Him at its center... We believe EVERY mom and dad need His wisdom and love to raise their children.. We believe EVERY young person needs His Grace to navigate through this messy, hateful, hurting world. And that ONLY comes through Salvation... Through Him.

Where we are headed....

"Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do i wait all the day."


We have no desire to acclimate into the current trend of what "church" seems to be developing into. We long to be conformed to His image, and to please Him according to what the Scriptures say, and to do our best to model "church" after what the Bible sets forth as our example.

You do not need to "clean up" first before you come.. You do not have to be "fixed" first .. And we assure you that the roof is not going to fall in on you, and the building will not catch fire the moment you enter our building.

I am reminded of how the Saviour sat one day and ate with the sinners and publicans. The religious machine of that day began to criticize Him for His choice of company...

"When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

Mark 2:17-18

Him sitting down with them was not an endorsement of their poor choices.. and them sitting with him was not a plea for him to do so...

They were sick... and He was the Great Physician. They sat with Him because they needed help, and He sat with them because He wanted to help them...

We would love to have you come... we hope that you will find a warm friendly family... but most importantly, we pray you will find Him.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday beginning at 9:30

1710 Doubet Rd, Farmington, MO 63640, USA

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